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Exercises for the Brain

  Our brain needs regular and consistent exercise to stay healthy, just like the rest of our body. Research has revealed that various exercises and activities improve cognition, memory and emotional regulation while protecting the brain from cognitive decline. In this post, we’ll explore different brain exercises and how they can help keep your mind sharp and healthy.   1. Mindful Meditation Mindfulness meditation involves being focused on the present moment, usually by engaging in breathing exercises and body scans. Studies have indicated that mindfulness meditation reduces the size of the amygdala and increases the size of the prefrontal cortex. A reduction in the size of the amygdala may improve our stress response, and an increase in the size of the prefrontal cortex is associated with improved attention, decision-making and emotional regulation. Please take a look at our previous blogs on Mindfulness Meditation for more details.   2. Learning a new skill ...

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